Since 1893, generations and passion.
"A summer evening. Silence, thousands of stars framed by the hills and the city lights in the background.
The long rows; well-tended vineyards tracing elegant patterns on the slopes.
It really was a magical place, that simply named, yet important land: Canova.
A man filled his soul with those wonders and dreamed…
He grew up, year after year, learning to admire and savour the sweet fruit of those simple plants, their nectar so precious and renowned.
It's a time honoured tradition. A timeless art. We're pride in sharing it."
Tenuta il Canovino


Amarone docg. Harvest 2024
Finished harvest for Amarone's grapes.
Great concentration; maximum collaboration; a lot of experience.
Also this year, the quality is really high!!
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Is your name Riccardo, Richard o Riccarda?
Contact us, book for two people at least. One tasting will be free!
Required reservation.
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What are we proposing?
Firstly our white wines; then the traditional reds of Valpolicella.
Gran finale: Amarone Riserva, Recioto, Grappa di Amarone.
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